Drive down De La Vina. Find it at a yard sale or sitting out curbside. Squeeze it into the back of the Saab. Take it home. Repaint, Refinish, Repurpose*.
New Bob:
Drive down the 101. Find it in a giant blue and yellow box. Load it into the back of a very red, and very borrowed, Suburban. Take it home. Bygga, Tilverka, Struktur.
Rita and I have done "Mexican Folk Funk."
We've done "Pink Floyd Wright": otherwise known as "Arts and Crap".
Now we're going "Mid-Life Modern".
I always thought of "Veneer" as a four-letter word. Now I know it's Swedish for "Inexpensive".
Further Lessons in Swedish, brought to you by IKEA:
Supposedly this is an un-translateable word for a chest of drawers.
Bob's translation: What the hell am I supposed to do with all these?
Literal translation: Shopkeeper
Bob's translation: What the hell have I gotten myself into?
Again no literal translation. Heaven-sent design for the masses.
Bob's translation: God help me.
Literal translation: Let's face it... my Swedish to English translator sucks.
Bob's translation: Stay away from the pretty lights!
Well... It all worked out in the end. The new place is looking very Pre-Fab Hip.(Although I admit, I was kept very busy Post-Fabbing.)
I think I shall reward myself with too many of these individually-wrapped bite-sized bits of toffee chocolates.
Bob's Translation: Damn!
* Yes, I said "Repurpose". I've been watching too much HGTV.