This is not to infer that, on the rare occasion, she doesn't drive me insane.
When we were first dating she would, in the course of our normal conversational banter say, "you dork!"
This would send me into a fit because I am a man of very few high ideals about my own person... but I do strive fiercely to achieve what I like to think of as "relative cool".
Hell... I sing in a rock band, teach little kids, and wear my sunglasses better than most.
But the greatest threat to relative cool is out there waiting for me, ready to pounce should I let my guard down.
It's well documented, it's wrapped in horrifying cliche, and it is absolutely unattractive.
Mid-life Crisis.
You have a sneaking suspicion, once you turn forty, that it is out there stalking you. Snickering.
Then all the ingredients come together in a big bowl of "Oh...Shit."
Suddenly you have serious health concerns, you've been at the same job for twenty plus years, and and you need to move out of your long time home, and comfort zone, into new places and mental spaces.
I know. "That's life."
I know. "You can do it."
Still... it's deep breath, bob and weave, keep your head together time.
Luckily I have the best hedge there there is against impending Mid-life meltdown...
The "relative cool" that comes from having a young, smoking hot, much better half.
P.S. Did I mention I'm in a band?
You're still the coolest man I know, no matter how old you are. You'll be able to get through the "Mid-life Crisis" period just fine. And your description of your "better half"? Very sweet.